Kendall Square Initiative

In 2010, MIT began working with the broader community to advance a proposal to bring new vibrancy and diversity to Kendall Square — the most innovative square mile on the planet. This comprehensive five-year process, involving the MIT and Cambridge communities and benefiting from several critical studies, served to shape the Kendall Square Initiative. As a result, MIT is delivering a dynamic blend of uses in this area, including housing, lab and research space, retail, innovation space, open space, and a dedicated facility for the MIT Museum. 

The Institute’s process is turning a collaborative vision into a reality. By transforming five MIT-owned parking lots into a mix of lively uses, the Institute is contributing significantly to enhancing the life and character of the local community and advancing the pace of life-changing science by attracting innovative companies and strengthening vital collaborations within the Kendall Square ecosystem. 

We invite you to explore the details of the Kendall Square Initiative, including:

  • Priorities: Community input significantly influenced key elements of the plan, including housing, retail, open space, historic integration, and innovation space.
  • PlanningThe inclusive process brought various stakeholders together to create a collaborative vision.
  • Construction updates: Visit the coUrbanize site to view or subscribe to regular construction updates for the Kendall Square Initiative projects.


View construction activities and forecasts on our CoUrbanize page.

View slides from the Ames St Community Meeting held Feb 28, 2019 by MIT, Cambridge Traffic and Parking, and the DCR regarding plans for a 2-way protected bike facility on the east side of Ames St and an improved crossing at the intersection of Ames and Memorial Dr.

May 2016: The City of Cambridge Planning Board unanimously approved special permits for MIT’s Kendall Square Initiative, which includes the development of six new buildings as well as a variety of new open spaces and retail venues. Read news article.