
Planning the transformation of Kendall Square

Kendall Square is a place where diverse people work, live, study, and play — and for this reason, MIT has pursued a collaborative and inclusive discovery and planning process while exploring options to revitalize this east campus gateway area.

The discovery and planning process has included engaging the local community in a variety of ways and examining options through critical studies. Neighbors, faculty, students, and staff were invited to share creative input online and through a series of forums, enabling MIT to incorporate a broad variety of viewpoints. Local architects and landscape architects also worked with MIT to determine priorities and develop concepts, culminating in the East Campus Urban Design Study.

Today, the Kendall Square Initiative includes space for academic, commercial, and retail uses, as well as housing for graduate students — all designed to bring new vibrancy to this area and create a new gateway on the east side of the MIT campus. The Institute is grateful for the significant input that has led to the creation of this a transformative plan.

Review activities (2009-present) examining the future of the east campus and Kendall Square, including reports focused on future designs and uses for the area.

View a map of the area and the project sites.